About Me

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I am a wife and a mother, a sister and a daughter, a lover and a fighter, a best friend and a worst enemy. I am like no one you will ever meet because I am ME! I love what I do even though it causes me to lose my hair and eat WAY too many sweet treats! :) Love me or hate me, you will never forget me!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


hehe! Ok so it has been a few days since I wrote, BUT it is because this last week was VERY busy. We got the magazines in late, which yes, we were all just a LITTLE stressed over here about, BUT we managed and we did not gain any weight. So I was busy doing deliveries and sending out subscriptions and all of that fun stuff. THEN on top of it all, I got to go in and see Dr. Shurtliff this last week.



DO YA...


I weighed in at 231.some other #. YEAH!!!!! So the first time I went and I say Dr. Shurtliff, was only 2 months ago and I weighed 246. some #. I made it through the holidays with the help of Carl and the girls without gaining ANY weight at all. Then on top of it, I find out that I actually lost 15 lbs according to the doc's scale. I do want to say this also though, the VERY first I weighed myself was about 2 weeks before I go to go and see the doc and it was on my mom and dad's scale. Well, if you have read my other blogs then you will remember this scale is not too reliable because it said I weighed like 6 lbs less then I actually did. BUT when I did weigh myself on it the first time, it read 250 lbs. So I am going to say I have lost nearly 20 lbs since the very, very beginning of this contest. Oh, I won't say that i have not had some slip-ups with food and such, BUT I have been trying really hard and everyone at The Edge Christmas party last night (yes we had it last night...better late then never right?) said that they could tell I have lost weight.

YEAH!!! That made me so happy. I can tell they have lost weight too though! We all are looking REALLY good right now Not as good as what we want to be, but considering we just went through the holidays, I am really impressed with how this is turning out!

Dr. Shurtliff just kept saying how proud he was of me. It really made me feel good to hear that from him because I have been working REALLY hard at this!

Well, I am going to go for now, haven't been to bed before 2 AM this whole last week because of work so I am going to hit the hay early tonight so I am ready to hit the ground running tomorrow. Thanks for your support and talk to you later!

Michelle 1-11-2009

1 comment:

Christine on the Edge said...

Oh, girlfriend--You are an awesome example of woman power! I love it that you have gotten so far so fast. It's not just the pounds on the scale, but you look like you feel good, too.