Well, if you have not heard by now, I broke my arm! Yes, you heard me, I broke my arm.
NO, I am not that proud of it! i will say however, that at least I am out doing something and not just sitting around! I started this healthy edge challenge in order to get my body to a healthy enough to those activities that i love to do! For me that is riding my horses and having fun in the great outdoors with my family.
SO, i haven't been too much of anything for last 3 weeks because on July 20th i was bucked off my horse. Yes, the same horse that had bucked me of exactly 2 weeks earlier. AND NO, I AM NOT GETTING RID OF HER!! She is an amazing mare and i am so excited to have her!
i have been running barrels on her for the last 4 weeks in order to help in her versatility training and to get her in shape for the elk hunt. She is picky and likes her back cinch in a very particular spot. On the night of the 20th her back cinch shifted slightly and i went for a ride!
Seth took pictures of the entire ride! Gotta love a camera that takes 7 frames per second. This was the picture where my wrist was actually broken.
Well i broke it at 6:30 in the evening and i would of gotten back on to ride but couldn't pull myself up into the saddle. So I iced it and watched as my kids ran their barrels and then their poles and then we went to the hospital...at 10:00 that night...3 and 1/2 hours later! (A story for another day! It was hilarious what happened to me at the ER!)
HEY...I am a mom first!! Always will be!! My kids were in points contention for their division so I wasn't going to make them forfeit their hard work!
I ended up breaking my radial bone and shoving it up into my wrist. I got to wear a HORRID splint for 2 weeks because they were trying to push a piece of broken off back into place so that i wouldn't have to have surgery! NOT FUN!!!
Well, I have now gotten my cast on but still cant do hardly anything. Cant hardly drive, cant put on eyeliner, can barely feed myself, CANT WRITE!!! I am so frustrated! oh well! It will only be for a month! But it is still very frustrating. It has taken me nearly an hour to type this! And all of this happened while I was doing layout for the magazine getting readsy for the month of August! Thank goodness for Jennifer! She saved my butt! She nearly every lick of writing! I worked myself til I was literally sick with pain just so that we could get it done! July was so amazing for our sales and August will be even bigger and better! THANKS!!!
1 comment:
Come on now, you did that layout all by yourself! I tried to help as much as possible but felt quite ineffective, really. Thank heavens for our other good writers, Shallin, Andrea and Mitch Lamb (and anyone else who contributed a story this month). It would've sucked w/out them! But I did put your make-up on you that on day. LOL Glad to help!
BTW...you need to post up some other pics. You look good!
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